New wcscc school yearbook dragon quest 8 3ds game T
New wcscc school yearbook dragon quest 8  3ds game T

I wasn't too fond of when the game forced this though. It's such a fun place to lose yourself in and being able to put the 3DS in sleep mode or save whenever I want really helped this aspect. Sure, I was essentially grinding but looking all around in search of materials for alchemy gives you a sense of mastery over the world. I went to the Casino, explored the world and battled a lot of King Metal Slimes and it was here were a grew an even greater appreciation for DQ8. It was clear I needed to grind up a bit (He has around 1000 more HP on 3DS). I challenged the final boss at around Level 36 and some of his attacks would blow my party away in one hit.

new wcscc school yearbook dragon quest 8 3ds game T new wcscc school yearbook dragon quest 8 3ds game T

I didn't know that the 3DS version was harder though. I can take or leave the two new party members as they come pretty late in the game and don't really feel like part of the main gang. The lack of random encounters are a game changer but there's also smaller elements like speeding up battles, not having to wait for alchemy and being able to save anywhere. I dabbled in the PS2 version a little bit before diving into 3DS and my god do I appreciate all the quality of life improvements. I didn't really mind the midi tracks either, it still sounds brilliant. It was a beautiful game on PS2 and while some compromises were made on 3DS, it's still absolutely stunning to sore in the sky with the Godbird Stone while holding this tiny little system. The world of Dragon Quest 8 is so rich and charming, it's a joy to simply walking around the overworld and listen to the godlike score. It took half an hour or so to remember exactly what was going on but once I found my bearings it was like returning home after a long vacation. I had no idea how close I was to the end.

new wcscc school yearbook dragon quest 8 3ds game T

Ever since a Japanese demo for Builders 2 was announced I've been in somewhat of a Dragon Quest mood and while I was planning to get my hands on Dragon Quest V, it made more sense to finish the game I already started. A little background, I started Dragon Quest 8 last year and got to the point with the evil dog and then for some reason put the game down despite absolutely loving it (I guess it was around the time the Switch launched).

New wcscc school yearbook dragon quest 8  3ds game T